Our yearly visit to Gibralfaro and Alcazaba has become a tradition. As usual, we have been working about castles in the second course of ESO and finally, we finished the project visiting the two monuments. We also had time to go to Burger King or to go to the street market placed in the park of Malaga.


Finally, our first bilingual promotion has reached the fourth year of ESO. As usual, they carried out such  nice work that we hope that you enjoy watching it.

Finalmente llegamos a cuarto de la ESO con nuestra primera promoción bilingüe y con la unidad del Romanticismo comenzamos este primer trimestre de bilingüismo.

Back to the Romanticism. Grupo de Miguel; Juanmi, Alberto, David y Antonio H.
Romanticism Quiz. Grupo de Mª Victoria, Carmen, Lorena, Sara, Esther y Ana Patricia.
It is boring to study History. Grupo de Marina, Mireya, Francis, Carlos y María
What do you know about the Romanticism?. Grupo de Natalia, Andrea, María y María, Miriam, Nerea y José
Dreaming with the Romanticism,.Grupo de Juanjo, Pablo y Pablo, Paco, José Antonio y Antonio
The Romanticism. Grupo de Jesús, Lorena, Raúl, Mario, Reme y Dani